Over the years we have led our church and nonprofit clients through more than 200 successful financial audits. Our accounting services will not only ensure that you are maintaining IRS, GAAP, and AICPA compliant accounting records, but they will also help you to establish internal systems and procedures that will serve your organization for many years to come.
Financial reporting is the most important function of the accounting system. With our services you will receive detailed financial reports that meet AICPA and IRS accounting standards and requirements.
Our bookkeepers will prepare professional, computer-generated checks for your signature and distribution.
You simply fax over your check requests, and your checks will be printed and returned to you within 24 to 48 hours. You sign them and mail them out.
Our services will help you stay on top of your contribution recording, and enable you to provide your members with up-to-date giving information.
If an auditor were to come into your church or office today, would your accounting records pass the test? If you are uncertain about the answer to that question, our Accounting Compliance Review is the service for you.
When accounting problems exist, the financial reports are uncertain, board members are unhappy, and funding is threatened. The solution is often a matter of simply getting back on track - catching up on the old records, and properly structuring the new ones. We will help you to do just that!